Even if you are an experienced researcher, Google is not a reliable source of information, especially when it comes to real estate and deciding if you’re ready to buy a home. You need to talk to a real person. AI is super cool and the Internet is great for a lot of things, but it is NOT going to help you when you are gauging mortgage rates and how much you can afford. Instead, listen to David (a real person) who tells you what you need to know to make sure you’re really prepared to buy your first home.

Ep. 193 – Interview – Travel or Buy Your First Home? 4 Years Later, He Did BOTH!

Even if you are an experienced researcher, Google is not a reliable source of information, especially when it comes to real estate and deciding if you’re ready to buy a home. You need to talk to a real person. AI is super cool and the Internet is great for a lot of things, but it is NOT going to help you when you are gauging mortgage rates and how much you can afford. Instead, listen to David (a real person) who tells you what you need to know to make sure you’re really prepared to buy your first home.

Ep. 192 – Google Sucks: Financial Basics You Should Know

When buying your first home, there’s a lot that can go wrong. Sometimes, crap hits the fan and you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Well, David received an email from a How to Buy a Home listener who really went through the ringer during the home buying process because they didn’t have the right team and weren’t properly prepared for the process. David takes this opportunity to illuminate what to do and what NOT to do when buying a home as well as how to handle the situation if it all goes wrong.

Ep. 191 – What To Do When It All Goes Wrong – HORROR story!

After renting for many years, the rental market took a turn for the worse and they knew it was time to get out of Dodge (figuratively). With the rise in investors and house flippers, the competition got intense for homes for the middle class, making it difficult for How to Buy a Homie Derek and his wife to find the right home for their budget. This is their story of overcoming the challenges and finally becoming homeowners!

Ep. 190 – INTERVIEW – Winning the Hunger Games of Achieving a Middle Class Life

Stephanie and her husband were ready to buy a home, but was told she would need 30% DOWN as a VA buyer and no one was interested in VA loans. Well, she knew her family needed a home, so she did some research, got in touch with a unicorn team, and now she and her family are enjoying a home in North Carolina they bought just before the holidays with 0% DOWN.

Ep. 189 – INTERVIEW – VA Loans: Bad for Buyers or a Christmas Miracle?