This episode tells the story that could be your story. Host David Sidoni puts the spotlight on the story of Chris and Jacqueline, from Denver, Colorado who, just like everyone coming on this podcast, were looking for guidance to help them figure out how to buy their first home. There is so much in their

Ep. 24 – Denver First Time Home Buyers Use The Podcast To CLOSE On Their First Home – Their Story

Nothing beats experience when it comes to learning. For first-time home buyers, no amount of convoluted realtor advice could ever make you feel truly immersed in the industry than hearing actual stories from buyers themselves. In this episode, we hear five different stories from first-time home buyers across five different phases of the home buying

Ep. 17 – Real Buyer Bonus Episode #2 – 5 First Time Home Buyer Stories In 5 Different Phases In Last 5 Days