Should first-time homebuyers focus on the price of the home or the monthly payments? Seems like a simple question, but David Sidoni, the How to Buy a Home guy, goes way beyond the simple concept of “think about the monthly, not the price.” Taking the financial breakdown for first-time homebuyers to a whole new level,

Ep. 43 – Should First Time Homebuyers Focus On The Price Of The Home, Or The Monthly Payments?

Aside from bringing the pandemic response to the next level, President Joe Biden is also on a mission to make housing more affordable to the public. With that in mind, Biden’s $15,000 credit for first-time home buyers is now being readied to roll out. This week’s Question of the Week answered by David Sidoni, the

Ep. 42 – What’s Up With Biden’s $15,000 Credit For First-Time Home Buyers? Question Of The Week