The 2021 housing market is BANANAS. So how much over asking price do you offer when you find your dream home and get yourself in a bidding war? Here’s a REAL LIFE story from a real life first time home buyer. #howtobuyahome #homebuyingtips #firsttimehomebuer #howtobuyahouse #howtobuyahomepodcast #howtobuyahomeguy #biddingwar #multipleoffers

Real life story #1 – How much over list price does a first time homebuyer have to offer?

With so much information out there, it can be very tough for first-time homebuyers to navigate between what works, what doesn’t, and what to avoid. Here to crush the confusion, David Sidoni is back for another Q&A. First-time homebuyers are feeling even more confused and abused in 2022, so desperation sets in, and many of

Ep 79 – Foreclosures, Insider Deals, And Buying Your First Home As An Investment

LOOK OUT! David Sidoni & Associates in Orange County, southern California. Updating you on what’s happening in real estate. Advice for first time home buyers.

Baller FAIL

David Sidoni, the how to buy a home guy, helped these first time home buyers get their first house, and then when it was time to sell and move up, he tries to do a flip to help in the sale. Will he survive…. #howtobuyahomeguy #firsttimehomebuyer #howtobuyahouse #sellingahouse #howtosellahome #realestate #davidsidoni

Watch David Sidoni, at 47 years old, try a backflip to sell a house in Long Beach, California