Ep. 6 – How To Interview And Choose A Realtor Specifically For You 

 April 2, 2019


The lack of information for first-time home buyers regarding choosing the right agent for them is pitiful. This is because much of the real estate industry looks down on lowly clients and do not value their worth. Therefore, when you, the first-time buyer, is ready to choose your realtor, it’s crucial that you find someone that you not only “click” with, but someone with the skills and experience to handle all the intricacies of the purchase and negotiations. This podcast will save you tons of money and maybe even assure that you don’t lose your dream home due to an agent that is not up to par. Remember, you have the power. It’s free, so take this information – use the list of questions to ask and interview to find a top agent for this very important decision.

How To Interview And Choose A Realtor Specifically For You

First-Time Home Buyer’s Guide To Choosing A Badass Real Estate Agent

It’s time to get back to giving you some tips on how to buy a home. I’m very excited to bring all this information to you. We could start by ringing a bell. When you’re in the bar, they jump up when someone gets a tip and they ring the bell for you. That’s what we’re doing because we’ve got another first-time buyer under our belts, up to 77 first-time buyers for David Sidoni and Associates Real Estate. These guys are an inspirational story. If you’re out there and you think you can’t buy a home, these two girls have some rough childhoods. Without getting too deep into it, I can tell you there was a lot of time with no shoes, no new clothes. They picked themselves up by their bootstraps. We got them a gorgeous home and they are so happy. They are inspirational and I want you to know you can do this. This show is starting to make a good impression out there and I’m super stoked about that.
We’re only on episode number six and we’ve already got three folks out of state that is being helped by the show and figuring out how to buy their first home. I’ve got my friends in Hawaii, my buddy from high school and his lovely wife. I’ve got my buddy’s little brother, another friend from high school, his little brother. He is 35 years old paying a stupid amount on rent. I heard some of the stuff that was going on. I gave him a call, got him set up and got him a plan. This is one of the reasons why we do this, why I’m stoked about this. Thank you so much for reading.
There was a young guy in Atlanta. His name is Abbas. He was cruising around in his car. He’s a salesperson and was trying to figure out how he could buy a home. He moved to Atlanta. He was there for a couple of months. He was talking to realtors because he thought his rent was dumb and he wanted to buy a house. The realtor said, “Come back when your lease is up. Come back when you save some money. Come back when you figure out how to do this.” That’s what they said. Abbas called me and I gave him a few tips. I gave him a plan, I gave him a schedule. He was serious, I knew it.
The next day I set him up with a few agents out there. He’s interviewing three agents and he’s going to go through the process. His parents are still renting and he is amped that he’s going to be one of the people in his family who owns a home and he’s only 24, but he knows he can do it because he follows the show. He googled it because he was frustrated with the realtors. He followed a couple of shows and it was people trying to sell stuff. The people were not giving him the information he needed. Eventually, he finally found this one. I am honored, privileged and humbled to say after reading to my manifesto show, which is hysterical, he said, “At least I know this dude’s telling the truth.” He went back and read the rest and called me directly for some tips. That’s an exciting success story.
Before I get into how you can go out there and interview for your agent, I’m going to give you a few tips before we head along. Thank you so much for everybody who sent me a text or an email or left a comment. I’m also doing interviews with people all across the country, people that I know, and here are some of the credit stories we’re hearing. If you are using your credit card as opposed to your debit card for the small things you have in your life, your gas, and your groceries. I’ve had people that have been doing that and they do it over months and months and they’re watching their scores already starting to pop up ten, fifteen, twenty points. I also got some feedback that NerdWallet is a great place to get some good information, as well as BankRate.com. It’s a great place to find the best credit card you can get. Do what you can, grow.

HBH 6 | Choosing A Realtor
Choosing A Realtor: An inexperienced Realtor will often give away a lot of YOUR money throughout the transaction

If you’re a beginner out there, you can always go to Dave Ramsey. For old-timers like me, we know all about Dave Ramsey. He’s like Suze Orman without the ridiculous jackets. He’s a great place to start. If you’re more serious like, “I’m ready to interview for realtors. We’re ready to go,” let me tell you something I got turned on to. This guy’s name is Adam Carroll. He’s the host of a podcast called Build A Bigger Life and also the host of a podcast called The Ma$tery Podcast. This is for advanced serious folks who want to take control of your life and take control of your finances. I heard a podcast where he talked about student loans. It inspired me and obviously it’s the hot topic of conversation. Before we are going to get to the interview tips, if you haven’t been following my other shows, you might not understand me and my mission, so you might be skeptical.
That’s exactly why I’m doing this. It’s because there’s so much crappy information out there. You have a right to be skeptical. That and the fact I’ve still got a whole bunch of performing arts friends out there who think they can never buy a home and I want them to know that they can. There are lots of younger performers I know out there, people that I taught, and people that were friends of mine. Some of you artists out there who are not so young, you know who you are. Can I remind you what happened to me in my twenties? I blew it. I spent $104,000 on rent and that was the ‘90s, that’s $200,000 in rent nowadays. Take that plus the appreciation, I would have had $500,000 or $600,000 when I was twenty years old. Instead, I moved back home with nothing. I woke up and I said to myself, “What’s the best thing I can do with these several years of knowledge and expertise? Chasing the dollar, that isn’t working for me anymore.” I decided it would be that I should try to become that 21-year-old me needed immensely. Forty-nine year old me have decided I will be happy spitting knowledge. Do you know what else that 49-year-old me has decided? That this white dude from Orange County is never going to say spit knowledge again.
No one is talking to you. No one’s giving you the information and the few they are, they’re doing it locally. They’re doing it with a goal of you coming into their office to be their client. I’m starting a crusade to give away all this knowledge because it’s not out there for you because the industry is old and broken and they want to give it to you because they think it’s a waste of time. They think talking to first-time buyers before they’re ready is not a good return on their investment. They don’t think you’re worth it. Skeptics, it’s time for me to get real. I do not have the National David Sidoni, the How to Buy a Home Guy company, but that’s a goal of mine. That would be a great way for me to make money, but that’s not what’s going on.
I know some of you need this information and I don’t get it to you because I’m spending time trying to build up this national network. I don’t know how I’m going to do it because nobody thinks this is a good idea because the industry is left behind, not because I’m stupid. I figured I couldn’t wait to do that because then I’m not true to my mission. My mission is to help you stop renting as soon as you can. The only way I can do that is to give you this information ASAP. I’m going to tell you how to interview for an agent that has your best interest at heart. It’s going to give you top-notch, blue ribbon, A-plus, super rad service because you deserve it.
I might be able to help you out a little bit because after years of being in the business, I’ve been working with other like-minded agents all across the country. I do know some of them in Canada as well. I’m part of this real estate coaching group. It’s business coaching. We’re all adults and we all pay a lot of money to have a business coach tell us to do exactly what we already know to do. It does go a little deeper than that. These top producing agents, we all think the same way. We’re all trying to work by referral. We work relationally, not transactionally. That means our clients are not another number to us.
[bctt tweet=”Your buyer representation, your Realtor, is free to you. Interview and choose the best in your area.” via=”no”]
The way it works is if the client likes us, the people in this like-minded mindset of working by referral, then your business grows. That means their whole business is about you, it’s about the client. If you’re in Atlanta or Chicago or Buffalo, I might know an agent out there that I’ve met when I was traveling the country going to conferences and learning events. I can refer you to them and when you buy a home, I’m going to be transparent. The agent usually gives me a small referral fee as a thank you. I’m telling you this because that transparency is important. I want you to know I’m legit and I’m giving all of this away for free and most of the time, there’s little compensation. I want to change the world. This is not for profit at this time.
I’m not going to get rich and if you were going to get rich, the last thing you do is figure out how to work with the lowest end of the market and take a small percentage of what they end up paying out for it. It’s not a plug. This is a mission. I did quit my broker and want to help people because it sucks. I want to give it away for free and I know that eventually, things will come back. I really have a secret and I have a secret because the industry doesn’t want to share it with you because they think it’s too much work. I know a lot of people who work hard. A lot of people in education, cops, fire people work hard and they don’t make the money the realtors make.
I know what hard work is. Working with a first-time buyer for a few years, that’s not hard work, that’s enjoyment because you’re helping someone fulfill their American dream. I hope other agents read this and I hope they steal all the questions I’m going to ask and I hope they’re ready. I hope they learn the same list I give to you so they’re ready to help you. The more people that help, the better. On that spirit of giving up next, I’m going to give you the blueprint on how to interview the top agents and find the ones that think you are worth it and they want to give you that service you deserve.
I’m going to hand you the playbook and I want you to use it. Go for it. Take the playbook. You might find someone you liked better than a referral I give you or more than likely, you probably live in one of the hundreds of places where I don’t even know anybody and that’s cool. Take the playbook and do it yourself. This is for you. There are no strings attached. I’m here to help. I am excited about this and I’m in this for my own happiness. I’m giving this playbook out to you. Hopefully, this is going to show the backward industry what they need to do and realize they’ve been left behind. They better take notice and they better change things because you informed consumers you’re going to pass them right by.
That will bring me happiness too, not because I’m vindictive, but because that means people are getting the service they deserve. Renters are losing money every single day because realtors are into the vanity and greed. It keeps them from wanting to reach out to you the years before you want to buy a house like Abbas. They don’t want to put in the hours, the time. Let’s get ready to move on. If you’re a skeptic and you’re still here and you still don’t believe me, I want to talk to you because you are weird. I like that. That sounds fun. Message me. We should talk.
HBH 6 | Choosing A Realtor
Choosing A Realtor: Renters are losing money every single day because realtors are so into the vanity and the greed. The real pros rarely even market directly to you.

I know if you’ve been looking for stuff, you might be tired looking on Google and YouTube not getting your answer. If you are finding people, you might be tired of getting sold instead of educated and informed. Let’s fix that. I can find a twelve-year-old online to show me how to resize my photos on my laptop with no hidden agenda, no sales pitch. I can’t find anyone to help me buy a home so I can stop paying rent. I was thinking about the fact that any twelve-year-old can help me do stuff. It’s true. There are twelve-year-olds out there that are giving us stuff for free. Let’s get this honest and real playbook to you without trying to sell you anything.

Big Discount

I sometimes wish that there’s a twelve-year-old out there not trying to sell you anything. Maybe you wish that he or she could be your realtor. The good news is in the State of California, most twelve-year-olds can probably test the state licensing exam. It’s that sad. Let’s start by dispelling some of the myths about using a buyer’s agent to represent you. These are the things you need to know moving forward. When you are looking to interview someone, why and what you’re looking for. Buyer’s agents are free. You get to pick them. Pick the best one. Myth number one, “David, I want to use a listing agent because they’re going to give me a big discount.”
I’m going to talk a lot about discounts and it’s going to sound like again, “I’m trying to sell.” That’s not it. I’m telling you there is some real validity until you get what you pay for. When I have listings, I have these guys, they call me directly and they ask for the discount, but you know what I tell them, “I was hired by the seller and my job for the seller is to get them the most money.” They go, “It’s not the seller’s money, it’s your money.” I said, “No, that’s the seller’s money because they offered to pay it to me and to another agent who was willing to bring in a strong offer.” The big deal about you going to a listing agent is that listing agent was hired by the seller first. They signed a contract with the seller. That means they have a fiduciary responsibility to the seller first. Who do you think is going to get the best end of the deal when you’re going through the negotiations for the appraisal, for the request, for repairs, the inspections, for the initial negotiations? For any little things that pop up with the termite and anything else that happens throughout the contract, who gets the best part of that deal? It’s the seller because they are the first responsibility of the agent. “David, they might take me back $5,000. I’m not rich. That can be the difference in me getting a house.”
This is going to sound way out of touch. I’ve said this to clients before in the past and I’ve learned the hard way that I need to make sure I say this correctly. In a real estate deal, a lot of times $5,000 is not that big a deal depending on how big the numbers you’re talking about, $200,000, $300,000, $400,000 $500,000 house. I’m not saying I or any other good real estate agent wants to leave $5,000 on the table. If you think that discount of $5,000 isn’t something the listing agent can figure out how to somehow get back either for himself or for the seller, it’s nothing. That $5,000 you feel like you stuck in your pocket, that’s nothing compared to the money you might lose in the many steps of negotiations within a real estate transaction.
Do you need more reasons not to go with the listing agent? How about this? Listing agents want us to work in one area. They want to do what we call real estate farming. That means they sow little seeds throughout the neighborhood and wait for them to grow into crops, also known as listings, homes for sale. By planting seeds, it means they dropped those notepads on your front door and porch and those flyers all the time. It means they will hold a community garage sale and they’re trying to farm, they’re trying to get people to go with them.
[bctt tweet=”‘Fake it till you make it’, they tell new agents. NO! Your Realtor should learn their damn job!” via=”no”]
If their whole marketing strategy is to get as big a percentage as they can of these $200,000, $300,000, $400,000, $500,000 homes. If they sell the home for a low price, in other words, if they give the buyer a good deal, do you think the neighbors are going to be excited about that and want to work with them? Do you think they’re going to say, “He sold Betty’s house for what? She sold Johnny’s house for what?” They’re not going to be happy. The listing agent a lot of times are working in that neighborhood and the best thing they can do is sell that house for the highest price. Does that sound good to you, the buyer?

Discount Buyer Agents

Myth number two, discount buyer agents. Let’s talk about this process. You might think any reasonably intelligent person can go online and find the right home for me with a little research. Why not get a discount? I don’t need to hire the best. I’ll get some moron. They can do it. It’s no big deal. This is going to surprise you, but you’re partially right. I tell my buyers all the time that a junior high kid, once again referring to my son, he’s a good guy. He’s a smart guy but with a decent computer, he could go online and find you the best value on paper. Especially if you’re looking for a condo, a townhome, or a track home, basically at that point you’re comparing apples to apples.
Finding that home a lot of times, especially in those similar style homes, that’s the easiest part of a realtor’s job. If you fall into those apples to apples easily comparable types of neighborhoods and homes, it’s not the hardest part of the job. Negotiating, presenting and working through the intricacies and navigating throughout the entire real estate deal, that’s where you can lose hundreds or thousands of dollars that you save with an agent offering you a discount, a kickback. That’s where your realtor has to earn their money. Any discount you think you’re getting, you’re likely going to lose due to their lack of expertise in the actual transaction of the complete home purchase.
Tens of thousands of dollars are at stake well-beyond the day that you first decide to make an offer on the house and get that offer accepted. I’ve had clients that weren’t thinking about moving. They were not on our radar because they said, “No, Dave. We’re fine, no problem.” Suddenly, they’re daydreaming online and they’re tooling around the real estate sites in their pajamas, and then they see the house they pass on their run. The dream house, maybe it’s that house they drive by. They go out of their way on the way home for brunch to look at it and suddenly it comes up for sale. It’s free to them and they can get an expert whose only goal is to help them achieve their dreams.
My goal is not trying to attract them to come to work with me by offering a discount. My goal is not to attract them by having to offer a discount because I’m not good at my job. They know to come to me because it’s free to them and I’m going to save them any discount they thought they could get by going with somebody else. This is where we move into the Redfin model. For those of you who have not purchased a home or not gone through this process of purchasing a home, Redfin is a large website that give a discount back. They give a kickback. I don’t disparage anybody looking for a deal. I don’t think less of anyone or who is skeptical of my industry. You should. A lot of it sucks. You have legitimate concerns.

HBH 6 | Choosing A Realtor
Choosing A Realtor: Any discount you think you’re getting, you’re likely going to lose due to their lack of expertise in the actual transaction of the complete home purchase.

There are massively overpaid realtors and agents and a lot of idiots out there because it’s too easy. There’s not enough information so people aren’t coming in armed. Some are inexperienced and not knowledgeable. Some treat their clients like a number, not a transaction. Moving along, they got a client that’s like, “Let’s go, move along. Give me a sale. I want to get paid.” Unfortunately, that’s a curse of a one-off business. You have to realize that. I always talk to my buyers, I’m like, “You’ve got to understand. I wish I could tell you this is the way all sellers act and I wish I could tell you this is the way everything works in real estate.”
It’s not a company. It’s not Nordstrom selling bags. It’s not Target selling blenders. It’s not a shoe store selling shoes. It’s one person and all their wacky personality and ideas. An agent, it’s the same thing. It’s one guy. They might be part of a team and they’re part of a larger brokerage, but still, if you as a client have a bad experience, you can’t complain to the manager about your real estate agent. You can’t go to corporate and write a letter and get it resolved. Write a bad Yelp review. That’s about the best you can do. Even then, a lot of people go out and pick their agent emotionally and don’t even do the research so they’re never going to see that review.
Most of the time, I find buyers end up going with their gut. Unfortunately, that’s not the best way to do it. Let’s get into how and what you need to do. Redfin is a bazillion-dollar company that spent bazillion dollars on their website so they can compete with Zillow. What they do is offer to real estate agents and realtors, “Come work for us and you can sit and the phone will ring because we have this bazillion-dollar website.” The industry let them pass them by. “Come here, come to the easy life.” The agents you get there, a lot of them, they’re looking for the easy life. They’re waiting for the phone to ring. They’re not out there hustling.

Finding A Good Agent At An Open House

I’ve worked with a few good Redfin agents. I’ve worked with some that feel like somebody that doesn’t have the hustle. That person isn’t going to go the extra mile to make sure you are covered and you get the most out of your transaction. Myth number three is finding a good agent at an open house. Going to an open house is like walking into one shoe store, buying a shoe and leaving the mall. Going in an open house, that’s like clicking on the ad at the top of Google. I was talking to somebody else, he was like, “I don’t even look at those anymore.” Aren’t your eyes trained? Tell yourself that every time you see one of those ads on Google, that’s like picking an agent that you walked into an open house. You guys shop smart. You use the Honey app to save a few bucks every time on Amazon. Do you? Please tell me you use the Honey app. It is sweet. It’s easy. It’s free.
You comb the web. You swore off going to Best Buy and any of the big box stores anymore. You’re Amazon all the way. You find deals, you shop and you find bargains. Your cell phone plan is the bomb. You’ve got unlimited everything, so please don’t let your emotions get in the way when you’re choosing a realtor. When you walk into an open house, a lot of times those are new agents because National Statistics from NAR show that open houses only sell about 4% of the homes to the buyers. Why is that? It’s because serious buyers have already found it online.
[bctt tweet=”Greed wins the sprint, but caring always wins the marathon. ” via=”no”]
They’re not driving around the neighborhood hoping to see a sign. They’re looking on their smartphone, they already know what houses are open. The good agents don’t go and stay there because they know that people come in with an agent. If they do sit there and they’re the listing agent, it’s because they’re trying to look good for all the other people in the neighborhood, trying to look like they sell lots of great homes. A lot of times they’ll say, “Isn’t this home perfect for you?” After you guys have had a deep, intense, 37-second conversation. How on earth can they know who you are and what kind of home you want? They can’t, but they’re going to think they’re going to help you and they’re probably going to say, “Wouldn’t you like to buy this home?” Why is that? It’s because it’s their listing. Maybe they say, “I’ve got three or four other great homes coming on the market.” What are the odds that their listing is the ones they’re selling or the ones that are going to be the best homes for you? Probably about the same odds that the agent is going to be the best agent for you.
This is how you interview an agent, things that you ask. First, who’s going to be showing me the homes? What is that person’s experience? Is it going to be you? Who’s going to be negotiating on my behalf? Who’s going to be negotiating for the offer, for the appraisal, for the credits that we ask for? If there’s a team or a mentor that’s going to be helping you, if they say, “I’m new but I’ve got a mentor or I’ve got the guy at the top of the team.” Is that person going to get in the car with us? Is that person going to go and visit all the homes? Is that person going to bring their expertise to explain everything they know about the area? Next question you ask, how many first-time buyer transactions have you closed this year? How many have you closed last year? How many have you closed in your lifetime?
The average realtor only sells four to five homes a year. I’ve done 77 of them. I can tell you every single one is different. If they haven’t done a few dozens, then they’re going to be in trouble because every transaction is different and they might not know what it’s like. You might know what it’s like to sell a home now, but you don’t know what it’s like to sell a home when the market flattens. You don’t know what it’s like to sell or to help someone buy a home when the market changes. Next question, ask them to show you the reviews they have. If they don’t have any reviews, that’s a bad sign. That’s a good sign for you to move on.
Ask them what their follow-up calendar is with you, the first-time buyer after you close on the home. If they stare at you blankly, run fast. What you want to do is to see, “Do these guys have systems in place?” That question is a question I tell people to ask because it shows do they want to listen to you after the transaction? Are they purely working with you just for that one deal? Say, “You’ve got your phone on you. Can I call some of your past clients?” Try that one. This is a good one too, “Do you have any educational information for other first-time buyers? If you do, can you text them to me right now or can you forward them to me right now?” I’m not doing this to be a jerk. I’m telling you this because you need to find someone who knows how to do that.
If they don’t have the information on them or they can’t text it or email it to you quickly, this is a technology-driven game. They don’t have that information because they haven’t spent the time working on it and learning how to do it. You can ask them this, “Do you require a signed contract between us?” This might surprise you. If they answer yes, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Listen to how they answer it and listen to their reasons. If the reasons don’t feel good to you, then they’re not quite polished on the script they learned when they were training.

HBH 6 | Choosing A Realtor
Choosing A Realtor: Find someone with the expertise, time, energy, care, and concern for you.

Ask the realtor if they can email you the template they use when they submit an offer on your behalf, and then be quiet. If they’re silent on the other side, maybe you want to be concerned. Why is this? It’s because in the old days, the agents usually represent and they’d come in and present the offers face-to-face. We started faxing them and finally, we’re in email. Nowhere in the training or the testing or your license exam do you learn how to create the email, but the email that you send to present the offer, a lot of times the listing agent is busy. That email is your one and the only first impression you can make to the sellers and the listing agent. Who gets to present it? The buyer’s agent.
If that buyer’s agent doesn’t have a template for it, they don’t know how to make it look clean and crisp and get the attention and make it look professional. How do you add a story? How do you add a photo? How do you put everything together in one PDF so they don’t send the listing agent an email with 75 attachments? I used to teach the class on this to other agents. There’s a list of about 50 things they need to know how to do to make that look professional. Ask them to send their template. Find someone with the time, the energy, the care and the concern for you. I don’t want you to run into the problems I see. When my team lists homes, I see problems with other buyer’s agents. I see the agents on the other end.
A lot of times I tell my folks, “This one’s going to be fine. I know the other agent. I’m going to be running this whole show.” He or she doesn’t know what they’re doing. Those are the questions you need to do. Get out there, ask those questions. A lot of times these agents are massively overpaid. Sometimes they get lucky. They hold their first open house and someone walks in and the agent is trained to fake it until they make it. I hate that. Be good at what you do, especially when you’re holding the biggest financial decision of these people’s lives in your hand. If they haven’t trained as a doctor, what gives them the right to think they can take you and treat you like a guinea pig so they can learn how to do their job, so you can be their training course? That they can figure out all the ins and outs of this complicated and important difficult thing that happens in our lives.
You’ve got it right. Ask questions. Don’t get comfortable. Don’t let the fact that you hit it off with them be the thing that makes you excited about working with them. You might have a good time driving around for a few Saturdays with them, but then you never know. Maybe they’re inexperienced. That could cost you tens of thousands of dollars or even worse, it could lose you your dream house. Find out what your agent’s goals are. Are they looking to build a business and move up in price point? Do they want to be Captain Super Seller, Mr. Big Shot in the neighborhood? Do they want to work with people like you and help and develop a relationship?
The industry’s outdated. They believe you’re still going to come to them and that there’s no sense in talking to you before the process starts. You found me and here I am talking to you before the process started. I decided that rather than have a goal to raise my average sales price, the homes that I sell, I’d rather raise the number of people I can help. It’s helping those people who are being overlooked. The goal is to build my business that builds people up. Not build my reputation or builds my sweet Instagram feed with all those pictures of me looking all fresh, sitting on a big old Bentley or sitting on a California backyard that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. That looks good, but what good does that do to you, the first-time buyer? I am looking to build a team, a nationwide network of realtors. More importantly, I’m looking to build a nationwide network of educated and informed buyers. Take this information and use it.
I heard a smart guy say, “I’m not smart. I’m just in a position that nobody can fire me.” He said that and he runs many multimillion-dollar companies that he grew through advertising on social media and now he’s the boss. The cool thing is he knows he gets to follow his passion every single day and he knows how to tell his story. I’m not telling you this because I think I’m smarter than anyone else. If the real estate industry was a car company or a department store and I told the consumers they were getting overlooked and ignored, the company would fire me. They would say, “That’s not how we do it.” I’m not saying everyone in the industry is doing it wrong or stuck in time and their old beliefs. I’m saying a lot of them are for real. I’m not smart. I listen to people smarter than me like that guru.
I see there are many people out there paying rent longer than they should have, not having this blueprint. They are losing out on the huge first step in their financial security. This is the building block for your financial well-being. You’re going to do it anyway. You’re going to buy a house. It’s not fair that no one tells you. You could have done it way earlier and saved your rent times twelve a few years earlier, $25,000 $50,000 $75,000 maybe you could have saved. I don’t know why they don’t talk to you. I don’t know if it’s too difficult, if they’re lazy or greedy, but they’re stuck in the past. They don’t know that you know how to work the system now and use it to your advantage.
When enough of you out there are educated than the industry out there that’s lost its way, you’re going to show them that you, the consumer, realize your own power and you demand more. Get out there. Demand it. You’ll prosper. If I was the person to help you learn how to do that, awesome. Good things will come to me soon enough, but for now, giving always wins. Greed wins the sprint, but caring always wins the marathon. The real estate business, they don’t see you ignored a group of people. You take this information and you’re armed. Move forward. Use it. Find that perfect realtor. I want you to succeed. Grow the revolution.
How do you do that? Help me out here. Share it with your friends, rate, write a review. If you’re reading this, write a review right there and press send. Most importantly, share it. Share it with people who need it. It’s right there on whatever device you’re reading on. If you’ve got specific questions, go ahead. Send it to me, DavidSidoni.com. You can find me on Instagram. It’s another place I’m giving a lot of tips, @DavidSidoni. There are tips there. We’ve also got a Facebook group called How to Buy a Home. Hit me up on that, I’ll send you an invite. It’s a cool community with a lot of folks sharing stuff and asking each other’s questions.
I don’t know how big this is going to get over the next few years, but Abbas called me and I called him. He’s got a realtor and he’s got a ten-month plan. He’s going to buy a house and he’s going to invite his parents who are still renting to the house warming party. Abbas, I’ll take you up on it. I’m coming to Atlanta. I can’t wait to see you reach your American dream. That’s exciting to me. Share this podcast. Write me a review. If you need a referral, reach out to me directly.
If they can’t find a referral for you, don’t worry about it. You’ve got the tools. You can do it yourself. The best thing you can do for me is to share this information with other people. Give them the tools. I’m busting my butt to bring you more information. Give me a little bit of time. I’ve got some video stuff happening. Everything’s up at my website and I made some awesome videos. I’m going to talk to you soon. Take this playbook. Get out there. Stop renting early. It will save you so much money. Remember, you can do this.

Important Links:

This podcast was started for YOU, to demystify things for first time home buyers, and help crush the confusion. After helping first timers for over 13 years, I knew there wasn’t t a lot of clear, tangible, useable information out there on the internet, so I started this podcast. Help me spread the word to other people just like you, dying for answers. Tell your friends, family, and perhaps that random neighbor you REALLY want to move out about How to Buy a Home! A really easy way is to hit the share button and text it to your friends. Go for it, help someone out. And if you’re not already a regular listener, subscribe and get constant updates on the market. If you are a regular and learned something, help me help others – give the show a quick review in Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts, or write a review on Spotify. Let’s change the way the real estate industry treats you first time buyers, one buyer at a time, starting with you – and make sure your favorite people don’t get screwed by going into this HUGE step blind and confused. Viva la Unicorn Revolution!
Instagram @DavidSidoni
Tik Tok @howtobuyahome

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