5 Best Tips for Winning a Bidding War in the 2023 Real Estate Market 

 November 20, 2022

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Are you a first-time home buyer in the fast-paced and competitive real estate market of 2023? 

With bidding wars becoming increasingly common, it’s crucial to have a winning strategy in place. 

In this article, you’ll discover the 5 best tips for coming out on top and securing your dream home in a bidding war. 

You’ll receive actionable advice to help you navigate the bidding war landscape with confidence. 


  • Discover the importance of hiring a “unicorn” team consisting of a skilled realtor and lender with a proven track record of success in winning bidding wars.
  • Learn how being proactive and seeking information can give you a deep understanding of the market conditions, trends, and local dynamics to make informed decisions.
  • Explore the benefits of staying flexible and being prepared to adjust your offer in a highly competitive bidding war scenario to stay ahead of the competition.

So, let’s dive in and unlock the key to winning a home buyer bidding war in the 2023 real estate market!

Watch: How To Win Your First Home Bidding War

Hire a “Unicorn” Team: Skilled Realtor and Lender

It is very important to the home-buying journey to hire a “unicorn” team consisting of a skilled realtor and lender. 

A “unicorn” is a realtor and lender who have successfully navigated multiple bidding wars and have a proven track record of success. 

You need a unicorn, somebody who’s done it before, who knows how to get you to the front of the line. 

Partnering with a skilled realtor and lender who have experience in winning bidding wars can give you a competitive edge and increase your chances of success in a highly competitive market.

Be Proactive: Seek Information and Educate Yourself

In a competitive market, being proactive and seeking information is crucial. 

Staying informed about the market conditions, trends, and local dynamics is essential to making informed decisions. 

It is so important to research everything you can before you step into buying your first home, factors such as inventory levels, demand, and interest rates will allow you to gain a deep understanding of the market in which you are buying. 

By educating yourself and staying proactive, you can position yourself as a knowledgeable and serious buyer, which may give you an advantage in a bidding war situation.

Demonstrate Your Seriousness: Minimize Contingencies and Delays

To demonstrate your seriousness as a buyer, it may be necessary to minimize contingencies and delays in your offer. 

In a bidding war scenario, sellers may prioritize offers with fewer contingencies and delays. 

This may include waiving contingencies such as home inspection and financing contingencies and being prepared to move quickly with necessary paperwork and documentation. 

However, it’s crucial to carefully weigh the risks and benefits of waiving contingencies, as it may not be suitable for every situation. 

Working closely with your realtor and lender can help you navigate this aspect and make informed decisions.

Be Patient: Wait for Valuable Insights and Timing

Patience can be a valuable virtue in a bidding war. 

Timing your offer strategically, such as submitting it early or right before the deadline, can also make a difference in a bidding war scenario.

By being patient and waiting for valuable insights and timing, you can make informed decisions and potentially gain an edge over other buyers.

Stay Flexible: Be Prepared to Adjust Your Offer

In a highly competitive bidding war, it’s essential to stay flexible and be prepared to adjust your offer. 

If you receive counteroffers or face competition from other buyers, be ready to revise your offer accordingly. 

This may include increasing your offer price, adjusting your financing terms, or making other concessions to make your offer more appealing to the seller. 

Working closely with your realtor and lender can help you navigate these situations and make strategic adjustments to stay in the game.

Your Home Buying Journey:

Winning a bidding war in the 2023 real estate market requires a strategic approach and a proactive mindset. 

By partnering with a skilled realtor and lender, staying informed about the market, minimizing contingencies, being patient with timing, and staying flexible with your offer, you can increase your chances of securing your dream home in a competitive market. 

Remember to work closely with your realtor and lender to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition. 

Happy bidding and may the unicorn be with you in your home-buying journey.

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