Ep. 167 – Interview: Buying a $300K Home With Only $18k? Yes! 

 March 13, 2023

Ep. 167 – Interview Buying a $300K Home With Only $18k Yes!


Stick around until the end with this episode! This one is jam-packed with tips, hacks, and a super amazing end that even had David surprised.
Alrighty, with that little tidbit in mind, let’s dive in: Your #1 First-time Home Buyer Advocate, David Sidoni, sits down with How-to-Buy-a-Homies Christina and Sean from New Jersey as they talk about how they DOUBLED their square footage from a small apartment to the home of their dreams. These folks totally rocked the home buying process and you won’t want to miss how they did it.

Here are some topics from today’s discussion:

  • Home-buying hacks
  • Tackling debt before buying a home
  • How appraisals can help your offer
  • Always being willing to reach out for help

Episode Highlights:

[01:45] You Gotta Give Them Credit

Christina and Sean decided it was time to buy a home and reached out to David in July 2022. By September 2022, they closed on their first house. Despite not having the best credit and not being in the best financial spot, in just 10 WEEKS they went from renters to homeowners. But, this process began way earlier when Christina and Sean decided that they would take control of their finances by paying off debt and building a positive credit score.

[13:40]  Don’t Let Fear Stop You

Christine and Sean had a lot of things in their life that they thought might stop them from buying their first home. Instead, they overcame their fears and concerns, made the call to a realtor, and the rest is history. As David has been saying for years, no matter what your situation looks like, as long as you’re ready to buy, reach out and start getting on track to make your first big purchase.

When you’re unsure of your financial situation before buying a home, knowledge is power. Knowledge from a professional is a gold star in Mario Kart.
When you’re unsure of your financial situation before buying a home, knowledge is power. Knowledge from a professional is a gold star in Mario Kart.

[40:35] Knowledge Is Power

When you’re not sure about your financial situation or if you’re ready to buy a home, remember that knowledge is POWER. Christina and Sean weren’t experts when they were ready to buy their first house, but diving into research and getting help from professionals made them a dynamic duo.

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