You can create anything that makes you happy. The little tiny Tim easels will let you down. Follow the lay of the land. It’s most important. This present moment is perfect simply due to the fact you’re experiencing it. This is a fantastic little painting. Trees grow however makes them happy. We must be quiet,

Hello world!

Buying a house is a lot easier said than done, even for those who seem to get it all together. In this episode, the How to Buy a Home Guy, David Sidoni, interviews two first-time homebuyers, Alvin and Ashley, to share their actual experience and some first-time buyer nuggets of wisdom. These two young adults

Ep. 33 – How These Planners Bought Their First Home And Learned Their Plan Wasn’t Enough! – Real Story #3

Many are dissuaded from taking out loans by the adage, “If you can’t pay cash, you can’t really afford it.” However, VA loans are a whole other business and may just prove to be beneficial to you. David Sidoni, the How to Buy a Home Guy sits down with fellow advocate for the underappreciated, Chris

Ep. 32 – Interview With VA Loan Specialist Chris Griffith With Tips For Vets, As Well As All First-Time Home Buyers

Is making the life-altering decision of buying your first home stressing you out? You’re not the only one! Listen to the story of first-time home buyers Zack and Chantal. Three months ago, they weren’t in any position to buy a home. They didn’t have a ton in savings and homes in their area were near

Ep. 31 – First Time Home Buyers Use This Podcast To Buy A Home In Less Than 3 Months. Hear Their Story!

If you are looking to invest in your very first home, then this information can be useful. Figuring out how to get enough for a down payment is probably the biggest question first-time homebuyers have and probably is the question with the wrongest answers. Today, host, David Sidoni, helps us tackle this age-old problem with

Ep. 30 – The Secret, Easiest Down Payment Assistance Program EVER! – Thanksgiving Day Special

Most people don’t even THINK about trying to buy their first home because they think their monthly payment will skyrocket – maybe not. In this episode, learn how and why you don’t always need a 20% down payment to own a house. In fact, in today’s market, you can buy a home with 3.5% down

Ep. 28 – If I pay $500, $1000, $1500, Or $2500 In Monthly Rent, Can I Buy A Home With The Same Payment?