What is this inflation all about? It’s hard enough to try and buy your first home in this ever increasingly unaffordable housing market, and now you have to deal with inflation? In this episode, David breaks down how inflation works, where it could head, and how it will affect you and your plans to dump your rent someday. While everything is going up, especially in rents, you should equip yourself with the knowledge to combat the rising inflation affecting home buyers. Tune in to this episode as David Sidoni ventures into the inflation sensation that sweeps the nation!

Ep 122 – Inflation Affecting First Time Home Buyers

After renting a couple of years, Jake decided to buy a home. When he first found a place to put an offer to, he got concerned, so he canceled his contract. The second home had significant problems during the inspection, so Jake canceled his contract. Finally, he found a quality team representing him that made him feel secure, comfortable, and confident in purchasing his dream home! You can learn from Jake when to back out of the deal and what you should watch out for before buying a home. Here is his story…

Ep 121 – When To Back Out Of The Deal – Interview With A First Time Home Buyer

As a first-time home buyer, moving to a new place can be scary because of many factors you should consider, which you may or may not know about. Want to know if you can move to a new state, start a new job, and still qualify for a home loan? Our guests did it, and you might be able to as well! Listen to this interview with Tatiana and Donovan and hear all the tips, tricks, and hacks that helped them move to a new state, start a new life, and don’t have to RENT in their new home! Tune in to this episode now to hear how they do that!

Ep 120 – Interview With Real 1st Time Buyers – How They Relocated States, Transferred Jobs, And NEVER Rented In The New City

How can you increase your chances in closing a deal when there are a lot of buyers of the dream house you’re looking at? As a buyer, what should you prepare first? In this episode, Briana is the bomb, and she had no clue where to start, but she knew she wanted to buy the house. So she worked a plan, stayed positive, and now tells her about what she did to buy her very own first home. Save this podcast and listen and re-listen when you want motivation and practical REAL advice from a first time home buyer’s REAL story. TUNE IN NOW!

Ep 119 – Briana Interview – AMAZING HTBH Real Buyer Story

Moving to a big city takes a lot of work and not to mention a lot of money. Living comfortably in a big city is a dream for many even. For first-time home buyers Andre and Lenay, this is something there were able to achieve on a non-movie star budget as they moved to Hollywood, Los Angeles, California – the home of the movie stars. Tune in on this episode to know how they did it!

Ep. 118 – Interview With First Time Home Buyers – Planning For Expensive Cities

Everything has been interesting so far in housing this year. Is the housing market still going up, or has it reached its peak? Are we going to slow down or crash anytime soon? Most importantly, how will these market shifts affect first time home buyers? In this episode of How to Buy a Home, host David Sidoni does an analysis of the mid-year housing shift of 2022. Get all the predictions and forecasts for 2022 and beyond. You do not want to miss this episode!

Ep 117 – 2022 Mid-Year Housing Shift And Forecast For First Time Home Buyers

College is EXPENSIVE now, so what if you could find a simple and easy way to pay for your student debt? The answer??? ROOMMATES! Hear Lili’s story today. It’s amazing! If you start your plan early, you can affordably get your first home to help fund your future, and your friends (or their parents) will pay you to do it. Become a landlord early and never pay to one for your entire life. Hear all the hacks in this episode.

Ep. 115 – Amazing 19-Year-Old That Bought Her First Home!

Jacob is a first-time home buyer who closed his property around mid-May. Discovering the How to Buy a Home podcast became a game changer for him. Tune in to learn how this first-time home buyer learned about the perils of online lenders, and the importance of finding the right team to get the job done and dump those stupid rents!

Ep 116 – Interview With First-Time Home Buyers Whose Rent Went Up 90% In One Year BAILED On Renting!