Financial education is key to financial success. Without education, you’re afraid to take any financial risks. This is why getting a financial advisor or planner is important. It’s okay to be behind the curve on your financial knowledge. You just need to have the drive to take action. Join David Sidoni as he gets Pamela

Ep 132 – Interview With Financial Gurus For The Rest Of Us, Pam And Dyalekt From Brunch And Budget

Ever planned on buying your first home, but you’re unemployed? Is it possible to work things out without an income stream coming for two years? To answer those questions, tune in to this episode and hear the real-life story of these first time home buyers who bought their first home WITHOUT two years of job history – straight out of college! Reaching out to individuals with experience helped them buy their first home. And tons of great other nuggets of first-time buyer wisdom can help you with your plan! So if you plan to buy your first property without employment? You may want to tune in to this episode now!

Ep 129 – Interview With A First Time Home Buyer Who Bought WITHOUT Two Years Of Employment

Many things could go wrong in a real estate transaction, but if you want to succeed, you have to be prepared and develop the skills that could equip you to close the best deals. Ashley and Alex paid $2400 for a 600 sq. ft. apartment in Boston. They knew there had to be a better solution for them, so they researched. Alex is analytical, so listen to their story to see how they went from mad about high rent to discovering how to run the numbers and make the plan to switch from tenants paying out-of-control rent to finally being in control and becoming sensible homeowners. Tune in to know how to manage your finances, know when to make a move, and ask the right questions.

Ep 128 – First Time Buyer Couple Interview – Making The Move From Apartment To Condo

Student loans could be stressful, especially if you have other expenses too. You want a bright future ahead of you, and you might want to buy your first home too. In this second part of the Student Loan series, we focus on how you can work to reduce your student loans. Plus, we help you determine if you can still be eligible to purchase a home with a home mortgage loan even though you have a large student loan debt. It CAN be done, and everyone has different variables contributing to your loan approval. Educate yourself and have peace of mind when you plan to buy a home while paying student loans. Tune in for tons of tips and tricks for anyone looking to get out from under the burden of those pesky student loans.

Ep 126 – Buying Your First Home When You Have Student Loans – Part 2

College loan forgiveness is happening, and it may help you buy your first home. This debt forgiveness is worth around $10,000. THAT IS FREE MONEY! But who gets it? How does it work? And what does this mean for your chances of finally being able to stop renting and start thinking about buying your first home? All the answers, and maybe more questions, as your host David Sidoni, dives into the new laws for college debt cancellation.

Ep 125 – College Loan Forgiveness And The First Time Home Buyer – Part 1

We know a recession is coming, so if you’re considering buying your first home, is this a smart move? Should you be trying to time the market? What’s the best way to stay afloat, and are there any tricks to take advantage of as things head downward? So many questions and so many answers are all in this episode. Allow David Sidoni to guide you in this conversation on how to plan for a recession, laying out where housing sits right now so you can prepare and make the most of the situation.

Ep 124 – How To Plan For A Recession

All anyone can talk about these days is the recession. When will it happen? Is it already happening and we just don’t know it yet? And for lots of people, this will be a major factor in their decision on when to make that leap from a renter to a homeowner. The truth is you can survive these crazy economic times. Join in as David Sidoni dives deep into all the data to help give you a clear picture on what to expect. It’s okay to feel fear when it comes to the economy because inflation keeps on rising. What you must do is to be prepared for what’s going to happen next.

Ep 123 – Is The 2022 Recession Already Here?