What if you could follow your career dreams AND find a more affordable housing market? That’s exactly what James and Cynthia considered. Listen in as they share their journey of exploring homeownership opportunities across the country, ultim/ately landing in Tennessee! This inspiring story will show you how to navigate buying a home

Ep. 235 – Interview With First-Time Home Buyers – Shopping In Seattle And Buying In Tennessee

  Is your dream of homeownership getting crushed by the weight of 2024 housing market news? Headlines screaming about bidding wars and soaring prices might have you convinced it’s a buyer’s apocalypse. But before you throw in the towel, listen up! This episode is here to inject a powerful dose of inspiration into your house-hunting

Ep. 234 – Interview With Yadi and Victor – Dreamed Of Homeownership And Found A Way

Student loans are always a huge burden to bear, but they must never hinder you from achieving your biggest dreams. Stephanie is living proof of how someone dealing with student loans managed to buy her first-ever home – in just three months! Joining David Sidoni, she looks back on her first-time house purchase in 2022,

Ep. 233 – Interview With Stephanie Who Had 200K In Student Loans, And STILL Bought A Home!

In this episode, David Sidoni sits down with first-time homebuyers Gage and Mozelle to share how their cross-country purchase went. Tune in and discover how they found a beautiful property in Ohio located near a dense oak forest. The couple shares what it is like to leave their rental property, their best strategies to live

Ep 232 – Interview With Self Proclaimed “Not Privileged” First-Time Home Buyers

  On March 15th, the first hammer fell, sending shockwaves through the industry: a staggering $418 million settlement against the National Association of Realtors. Now, it’s time to dive into the real implications and how they’ll impact you, our first-time home buyers. In this second part of our deep dive into the NAR Lawsuit episode,

Ep. 231 – NAR Lawsuit – The New Rules For Real Estate And How To Buy A Home – PART 2

  Back in 2019, we made a rather bold prediction that the real estate market, which has been really unfair for first-tome homebuyers in the first place, would soon undergo a massive change. Initially it looks like change is definitely coming with this NAR lawsuit that’s making the headlines lately. But it’s not the real

Ep. 230 – NAR Lawsuit – The New Rules For Real Estate And How To Buy A Home – PART 1

  The down payment is one of those bogeymen that usually scare would-be homebuyers from making their move. A lot of people think that they have to put down 30% for their offer to stand a chance. But this power couple proves that isn’t necessarily the case, even in this market. In this episode, Andrew

Ep 228 – Interview With Andrew And Melissa Who Did NOT Need 20% Down To Buy And Bought Their First Home In A Matter Of Weeks!

  Purchasing a home is a meticulous and intricate process – it must never be executed in a hurry. That’s why when Aaron And Devany bought a new build home, they put patience and persistence at the center of their strategy. In this episode, the couple joins David Sidoni to share how two professionals in

Ep. 226 – Interview With Aaron And Devany – Planned For A Year And Bought A New Build Home