Real estate is a team sport, and if you have the elite of the elite in your field, you can be assured success. As a first-time home buyer, what you need is a unicorn real estate support team more than ever. Join our very own “Unicorn Wrangler,” David Sidoni, as he breaks down what it truly means to have a unicorn realtor by your side. Explaining the rarity and value of these elite professionals, David emphasizes their commitment to treating every client with the utmost care and respect, regardless of their budget or experience level. With anecdotes and insights, you will learn how partnering with a unicorn team provides unparalleled protection, reputation leverage, and creative solutions in today’s competitive housing market. Follow David to learn how to build your own unicorn stable, meticulously vetting each member to ensure they meet the highest standards of excellence. Tune in to discover how joining forces with a unicorn realtor can transform your home-buying experience into a magical journey of success and satisfaction.
What Is A Unicorn Real Estate Team?
What if I told you that you could pick LeBron James to be on your team for your pickup basketball game at the gym, or that you could choose Mariah Carey to sing a Christmas duet with you, or at your family’s Thanksgiving football game, you could be the quarterback and throw passes to Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis? That’s what it’s like when you connect with a unicorn real estate team. Only this isn’t a fantasy partnership. This unicorn connection is real.
What is up my homies? Welcome to How to Buy a Home. I’m still your host, David Sidoni. I’m not phony and that’s no baloney. That was my actual campaign slogan when I ran for the ASB in 6th grade and yeah, I won with that killer dope rhyme. As you know, I’m old, drink, well past the 6th grade and I’ve been given a new nickname, The Unicorn Wrangler, which begs the question what is a unicorn realtor?
Let me explain the key points about what a unicorn realtor is and why they are so very valuable to anyone buying or selling real estate, but especially to first-time home buyers. In this episode, I’m going to go over what a unicorn realtor is and how partnering with a unicorn benefits you. I’ll go over the history of the unicorn realtor in the actual numbers of how many of them are out there and exist. I’ll explain to you my relationship with the stable of How to Buy a Homie Unicorns. I’ll also talk a little bit about how big real estate has been screwing you for decades and hiding the existence of these unicorns.
Finally, I want to make sure that you understand the last point which is how easy it can be for you to beat this gigantic real estate system, which is huge and rigged against first-time home buyers. You can beat them by saddling up with a badass unicorn. I mean like a really cool unicorn, the one with lots of rizz and swag. They are magical but still have tattoos and a colored Mohawk. When they sprinkle fairy dust, it plays hardcore music. They mystically cover you with their unicorn expertise, market knowledge, insider secrets, empathy, and compassion but in a cool hardcore badass way.
What Is A Unicorn Realtor/Lender
The simplest explanation of a unicorn realtor or a unicorn lender is that they are the elite of the elite in their field, but they also treat you, even though you’re just a first-time home buyer like you were a $10 million or a $20-million client. They don’t see it as a number. They aren’t thinking about the commission. You’re not just a notch on their belt or their monthly spreadsheet. They see you as a relationship and they cherish that relationship so much more than dollar signs.
They’ve made a living by treating their clients with five-star service, and that service begins with you well before you even go home shopping. That great blue ribbon service continues well after they give you the keys. Unicorns do not hit it and quit it. They do not use and abuse. Hopefully, they don’t drop stupid rhymes as much as yours truly. A unicorn realtor or lender is that rare mythical and often elusive local real estate professional who is not only stellar at their job but they also give a damn about helping you, the entry-level buyer.

They have gobs of real estate experience in the market, yet they’re willing to give time and compassion to you, the first-time home buyer. They know it takes a little extra and they’re willing to do it and that’s because they see the big picture. Today, you may be someone they help guide for six months, a year, or even two years. Keep in mind that they realize they’re not going to make a dime off of you until the day that you close on your home, but they’re still willing to do it because they see the big picture.
Because it does take a little extra time and guidance, many of the donkey realtors and lenders think this is a foolish business practice to concentrate on you, first-time home buyers. They see you as a giant waste of time, inefficient, and far too much work for the compensation. Think about it, anyone in the greedy real estate and lending game soon realizes that it’s financially prudent to get better at their job, and then when you do that, you get the luxury of being able to work with luxury clients and you can ignore the low-priced first-time home buyers.
They see you as a low-dollar use of their time. You’re not where the money is. You’re the lowest dollar amount and you’re just one sale. Think about that. You’re only one sale. Most realtors focus most of their time on their sellers because their homes sell for more money and the realtor gets two deals out of selling their home. They sell their home and they help them purchase the replacement move-up home, but a unicorn sees you differently and treats you differently.
A unicorn has been around the block and they know that treating everyone with top-level service and respect means that you as their client will be thrilled with their guidance, powerful magic, and incredible service that you’re going to tell all your friends and family. They see you as a relationship, not a number. You guys out there who are children of the internet have seen the power of word-of-mouth, testimonials, and reviews or the hive mentality.
You’ve seen communal validation of a business versus other businesses that simply rely on advertising and cold spammy commercials. Of course, I realized that calling them unicorns implies that they’re magical and there’s some kind of mysticism with them. Eighty-seven percent of the realtors quit before they ever hit five years in the business. Last year in 2023, 49% or almost half of the realtors only sold one home or zero. I’m not saying that the unicorns are magical, but they definitely are rare.
Most of the industry doesn’t see that eventually if you only go after those high-price clients and you treat the entry-level like crap, you’re going to be in for a lot of constant marketing to try to get yourself more and more new clients. Greed is so rampant in the real estate industry. It has overpowered the entire industry from top to bottom. The unicorns are magical, but I call them unicorns. The reason I created that is because they’re rare. What freaks me out is why are they rare.
It shows you how many people don’t have good business smarts in the real estate industry. They are just intelligent business owners who realize the rewards of treating people with humanity along with the excellent service that they can provide. Unicorns work relationally, not transactionally. Unicorns are full-time at what they do and they constantly train. They read up. They stay current with the new wrinkles in the real estate and lending worlds. They also have been there and done that.
Unicorns work relationally not transactionally.
They can help you avoid all those horror stories and those pitfalls that you hear about first-time home buyers who are freaking out about the terrible situations that they get caught in. Unicorns laugh at so-called problems that happen during a transaction because I guarantee you, they have seen worse. The cool thing is if something goes wrong in your transaction and it gets ugly, they’ve done this before too and they know exactly when to pull the plug on the deal so you don’t lose money. You don’t get stressed out.
You don’t get completely screwed and then you end up going on social media telling your horror story and you go viral because everyone is so sad for you. The unicorn knowledge is going to be invaluable to you. This is what separates them from those under-trained newbies that the real estate industry is throwing at you. That’s another story for another day. Let’s stick to the unicorns. The unicorn’s superpower is that they know they’re in this for the long game and you’re special to them because your business with them isn’t just for today but for the long term. That magical journey from home to home to home.
Benefits Of Partnering With A Unicorn Support Team
I know this all sounds lovely and wonderful, but I know what you’re thinking. What’s in it for me? I know. Why do you care about a unicorn? If you read between the lines from the description that I just gave, there was a lot of stuff in there that benefits you. You’ve got the experience plus the empathy for you and your situation, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of partnering with a unicorn support team.
You’re getting guided by the best. You’re getting assisted and educated by the top of the field, by Yoda, by Dumbledore, even though you’re just a lowly first-year student. Here are a few of the major benefits that you get from having an experienced pro working with you. The first one is protection. It’s a big, big deal. This is the ultimate benefit for you nervous Nicks and nervous Nancys. The unicorn protection can save you not only from stress and heartache but from tens of thousands of dollars in mistakes.
It’s the experience, the training, and the commitment to the craft. Remember, 87% bail because they’re just trying out real estate. That expertise will create protection for you because they’ve seen it all and they know how to cover everybody’s butts and that is priceless. These customary practices include contract knowledge, community awareness, local market idiosyncrasies, and customary practices from realtor to realtor or buyer to seller. They know what’s going on with upcoming neighborhoods. They know what areas to avoid.
They know what’s happening with the home builders. They also know which builders are working and doing great for the buyers and which are just coming into town trying to rip you all off. They know what’s going on with these specific housing tracks and they have familiarity with all the specific models in those tracks. Of course, they have an awareness of the speed of the current market because they’re full-time and they’re working in the game. I could go on and on and on, but all of that gives you protection and that’s a big one.
The next one is one that a lot of people don’t think about very much because they are out there trying to get the best deal plays into the humanity part of real estate. It’s reputation, their rep, their street cred. Reputation matters. It’s who you are. You can be as wonderful as you want to be but if the person representing you isn’t representing you in the best light or if the person representing you has a bad reputation or no reputation, suddenly, you’ve weakened yourself as a buyer.

You know that your offer is not just numbers and terms on a piece of paper. It’s a full presentation to the seller and to the listing agent who’s another realtor in town, and a big part of that presentation is who your realtor is and who your lender is. That’s where the human side comes in. The seller is looking at their listing agent and saying to them, “Will this buyer close?” That’s all they care about. One thing, “Will this buyer close?”
If you’re represented by someone without a reputation like your newly licensed cousin or some newer realtor that you found on Instagram. People out there just don’t have any street cred. That can work against you for your offer no matter how beautiful it looks on paper. The sellers and the listing agents are super judgy. If there are two similar offers at the same time, but one is from a new agent with no rep and the other one is from a unicorn or a unicorn team that has an awesome reputation in town, it’s going to be a no-brainer for them. Because for them, it’s all about the ability to close the deal. The unicorn team doesn’t even have to say anything. They have a track record that speaks for themselves.
With a newer agent, the seller and the listing agent are just hoping that this new person does what they say they will. With a unicorn, they’ve got the record to see that this team already has done it and that they have done what they said they would do numerous times over the years. I know I’m talking about unicorns and fanciful stuff, but it’s not magic. Imagine you’re standing there and you’re looking at a first-year med student and the ten-year head of surgery and both of them are asking you, “Can I cut you open? Can I do surgery?” Who are you going to pick? It’s the same thing with the listing agent. They’re going to be looking at these offers and going, “The first-year med or the ten-year head of surgery?”
What’s interesting is the cool thing about having someone with a great reputation is I’ve seen this work in reverse. I’ve had this happen in reverse several times in my career. When I see a listing, my buyers are trying to buy this home and it’s being represented by a newer inexperienced agent, I get so pumped up for my buyers. That’s when I whip out my special, “These are not the droids you’re looking for.” That’s the negotiation tactic when I’m working with the newer agent. Numerous times, I have told that listing agent, “Don’t worry about a thing. I’m the how-to-buy-a-home guy. I teach this stuff. My team is going to close for your seller.”
By representing my buyer with the number one thing the seller wants, the ability to close, my reputation can be something that makes that scared other realtors very excited that they’re not going to let their clients down. My buyers benefit because they end up getting the home that they want. Oftentimes, we’re the lesser offer. We’re sometimes the 3rd, 4th, or 5th on the list. We’re way down as far as price, but we still get chosen. That’s a benefit that comes in handy when you’re in a very competitive market.
Another benefit that doesn’t get thought about a lot because everyone sees any transaction they do in life in more black and white. They don’t realize that especially with something like this, we live in the gray. It’s creativity. This is a ginormous benefit that a unicorn realtor and lender, a full unicorn support team, can give you. In today’s economy in the housing market landscape, I talked about this until I was blue in the face. You have to have someone who has seen this before and has figured out that we’re doing things differently now. This is maybe where some of the unicorn magic comes in. It feels like magic because they have to be creative to help you get your piece of the middle-class life because it’s tough right now.
Unicorn creativity comes oftentimes months and months, sometimes years, before you ever go out and start looking at homes. That’s where they set you up with the best savings for the home, helping you work on your credit scores and your debt questions. You and the unicorn realtor and the unicorn lender are working together to build your rent replacement strategy. Building that together and having that ready early puts you in the best situation.
If you end up going with a donkey team, they’re just an order taker. They punch your numbers in and they give you a yes or no answer. No plan. One of the things unicorns understand is something that I have known from doing this since 2006. I believe that planning to buy your home is more important. Planning to buy your home is more important than the actual process of shopping for the home and writing offers. This is so true. If you are guided correctly, you’re going to be ready quicker. That means maybe you can do it faster.
The plan to buy your home is more important than the actual process of shopping for the home and writing offers.
Most importantly, you’re going to be ready with the options and with a unicorn team’s creative options. You have all those things already talked about in your head. Ideas to help you realize these options are going to give you better choices before you begin shopping. Options equals less compromise as well. It’s less sacrifice on the things that you might not be able to afford and more opportunity to put more of the dream in your dream home. That planning takes know-how and experience.
The Story Of Ben And Amy
In this increasingly more difficult market for the disenfranchised first-time home buyer that’s being squeezed out of the game, it takes a creative, compassionate, and caring team that not only can give you options but when you run into difficulties, they are solution-oriented. After the planning when you write the offer, that’s when creativity can also be a big bonus for you. I had an offer written for a home with one of my audience here in Southern California.
It was uber competitive with multiple multiple offers and my buyers wanted a home, but they were getting maxed out on their price and what they could offer. I wrote a really strong offer, but little did I know that the listing agent was a nationally recognized bestselling author and real estate coach. He didn’t have his name on it. He was having his team do it. The home was his brother’s and he was way out of the area. The team was doing the deal. Their name is on there.
This nationally recognized big real estate guru was scrutinizing every offer that came in. My strong offer was strong not just on price, but for the terms and the timelines on the inspections. Because we were prepared together, I wrote that even though we did have to use a loan to buy this home, we would not use any loan contingency during our inspection period. I wrote it waving the loan contingency completely and then I added a little kicker. I’ll tell you about that in a second.
I was confident in the loan because my unicorn lender had been working with them for months before we went to look at everything, but waving that loan contingency is highly unusual. If not remarkable and not something that you see on the initial contract offering. The lender and I discussed this creative strategy and we had plenty of options to protect our buyer. Of course, we had our little kicker. The counteroffer that they ended up sending us was the strongest and most intense counteroffer I have ever seen.
It was cool. Thanks for your offers. Here’s what we want. Take it or leave it. No repairs. No termite work is to be done. Closing in only three weeks, if you didn’t close on time, you as the buyer had to pay $250 a day to the seller until the home closes. They only gave you five days to do all your inspections and be all in and your deposit is at risk. The cool thing about this was that $250 a day if you don’t close on time was something I put in the original offer. That was my creative way to show on paper that we meant business.
He ended up using my term or my stipulation, put it in his boilerplate counteroffer, and sent that out to everybody else in all the multiple offers out there to see if they would match what we did. That was pretty exciting for my buyers to know that we were set in the bar for what they were looking for. Between that $250 plus that five-day inspection period before you put your deposit at risk, that freaked everyone out except us. Before I had my buyers, who were podcast listeners, had them sign the counteroffer and accept all these quick terms, I had already booked the inspector for the next day and we had our appraiser on standby.
Long story longer, we got the deal and then the nationally recognized best-selling author and real estate coach called me personally. He was like, “I know who you are.” The next thing you know, I was on his next coaching webinar to discuss my offer as an example to all of his students across the United States and Canada. That story is not a humble brag about me. This story is about Ben and Amy, the buyers. They wanted that home.
Ben and Amy needed creativity to get it done so I unicorned it. I got creative and Ben and Amy got what they wanted. That’s the happy ending. If you want more examples like this, listen to the interview episodes on the podcast in the back catalog in the library. There are tons of stories like this one. I keep going on the bazillion benefits of using a unicorn but I’m going to finish with one that Joelle brought up in an interview. That was episode 169 with Joelle.
Joelle is a smart woman and she noticed that by choosing her unicorn realtor first instead of doing what the internet says and going out and getting pre-approved, she partnered up with her unicorn realtor. She set up with an established local professional. When it came time to find a unicorn lender to round out her unicorn support team, as she put it, the lender knew where their bread gets buttered. The way it works is like this. Lenders are the order takers and you as the buyer call them up.
They run the numbers and then they send you to a realtor or they say go out and get your own realtor. If the realtor that you start your unicorn relationship with first is a known local big player, then when they call the lender to say, “I’ve got a great first-time home buyer for you,” the lender knows where their bread gets buttered. They treat you with extra service because they want to be not only good to you but also good for the realtor. The realtor can then eventually bring them more business. Get it? Bread, buttered.
David’s Unicorn Stable
They know if they treat the buyer with the respect and care that the unicorn realtor does, more buyers like you from that realtor will follow them. Many of my listeners tell me that their full unicorn support team working hand in hand was the primary reason that they succeeded in their goal. Let’s get into the history of the current unicorn stable and my relationship with the unicorns. Let’s all begin back in 2019 when I was so mad at the corrupt real estate industry.
I wanted to expose what they were doing and the steaming piles of garbage realtors that they were serving up to first-time home buyers. If you want to get the full details on that, that’s episode 5. It’s the very beginning of the podcast. It’s called the biggest dirty little secrets in real estate. That’s where you can hear how big real estate has been screwing first-time home buyers for decades and trying to hide the existence of unicorns. It’s a crazy episode.
It’s just me and a microphone and me being angry and sounds like a manifesto. I sound a little crazy, but it’s fun. Back then, I wasn’t calling them unicorns yet. The very next episode after I’m manifesto in number 5 is episode 6 where I offered everything I knew on how to interview and choose a realtor specifically for you. My goal was to help people not get burned. Back then, I think I must have had tens of listeners. I put the information out there on all the insider tips to help avoid the BS system of big real estate.
I gave everyone like, “Here’s a list of questions you should ask. Here’s what you should do to help you get yourself the greatest representation that you can.” That’s the crazy thing about this whole deal. Any first-time home buyer can hire the best. You just need to know how to avoid the usual crap that they try to steer you to. Those are inexperienced, untrained, barely qualified, or I’ll say it, not qualified newbie agents that probably won’t still be a realtor in the next couple of years.
Any first-time home buyer can hire the best. You just need to know how to avoid the usual crap that they try to steer you to.
You got a real estate license, good for you, but it’s a simple test that any high schooler can pass. The crazy thing is you can go out there and you can hire the best. You just have to know what to look for. As the podcast went on, I started telling the truth and telling you what to look for when you are looking to build your real estate team. After those couple of episodes, I kept on producing stuff and putting out new episodes and new content on everything else that you need to know when you’re buying your first home.
It turns out that people dig authentic education. The podcast grew and I kept referring to this fact because I kept getting questions. I was like, “I can teach you as much as I can,” and that’s a lot, but to maximize your buying experience, you have to realize that a lot of the stuff I’m giving you is general information. It’s going to change drastically with your specific needs. You need fierce advocates who know what they’re doing and have good experience, but who are also compassionate guides and willing to help educate you.
As I kept going along and talking about all the things you needed to do, I would occasionally throw that in. In one episode when I was talking about the number of realtors out there, the millions and millions of them, I said, “You know what? You’re looking for a unicorn,” then it stuck. After that episode, suddenly, you started blowing up my email and my DMs asking me if I knew a unicorn in Denver, Dallas, Detroit, or New York. I took my contacts that I’d been building since 2005, and I started making my little unicorn stable.
Currently, we have three million licensed real estate agents. As I record this episode, I only have 285 unicorns in North America. There are other programs out there that will supposedly educate first-time home buyers and then refer you to an agent, places like Zillow, Redfin, and my good friend, Dave Ramsey. What’s interesting about a lot of those programs is most of them make the agents pay monthly fees to get on that list of people that they refer.
They have to pay every single month to become the person that these other places refer to. Of course, that means there’s no vetting. There’s no experience checklist. It’s just, “Can you pay the monthly fee?” It’s called paid leads. You’re not even a human to a lot of these folks. You’re just a lead. Those platforms out there make their money and they keep their doors open by flooding the internet with tons of fancy tech so that you end up calling them for help, then they refer you to these people that say, “Here’s our preferred list,” which means, “People who gave us money.”
I decided I was going to build my unicorn stable differently. Since 2005, I have been involved with the real estate coaching program with top-producing realtors who work by referral. Remember I talked about working relationally, not transactionally? That’s how these folks work. Their business only grows and their clients are much more than a notch on their belts. I fly all over the country and I’ve been meeting with these people since 2005. We meet at seminars. We mastermind. We go over the local market news.
When the podcast got going, people started asking me for unicorns. I had about 100 to 150 people in my original unicorn stable. Over the past five years, when a listener asked for a unicorn in their area if I don’t have one, the first thing I do is ask the other unicorns who are close if they know anybody in that specific area that the podcast listener is asking for. I personally vet and interview each candidate to see if their business model aligns with the goals of the podcast to treat first-time home buyers as they should be treated.
As I’ve grown and the podcast has grown, I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of realtors suddenly reach out to me and want to be a unicorn. Many of them don’t get past the first interview. Of the ones that do, if they come on in and they become a unicorn, they’re held to a very high standard. As I said, I have 285 right now, but I’ve also gone through the interview process with another 215 that passed my original vetting. Since then, based on their performance and their interaction with the people out there, they have been released from the stable.
They were fired. They’re not unicorn material. If you’re wondering how the unicorns get in here, that’s how it works. There are 285 of them right now and I fired 215, and there are hundreds more knocking on the door. If you’re looking at three million licensed real estate agents out there and only 285 of them are good enough to be a unicorn and stay unicorn so that they get recommended to you, you can be assured that they are the elite of the elite of the elite. Nobody pays to be here.
Nobody gets paid a dime until the day that you close on your home. Oftentimes, after months and months of preparation and then months and months of looking at homes, sometimes the hourly wage of the unicorn realtor and the lender can pencil out to less than minimum wage because of all the time that they put in for the education process, but they’re in it for the long haul. Unicorns are your homies for life. As you probably figured out, me too in this show, I’ve assembled the cream of the crop in my badass unicorn stable.
When you close on a home, that’s when they pay me a small referral fee if I’ve recommended them to you. I’m five years into doing that and I’m still not profitable. I knew I wouldn’t be and that’s okay. This is my passion project to give back. It’s a slow-growth business, but I can sleep a lot better at night knowing how many people have been served correctly. My goal always was and always will be to build the greatest educational platform for first-time homebuyers so they stop getting screwed.

That’s my mission statement, period, curtain, end of story. I love all of you out there. As I’m trying to build this and grow this and pay for all of this, you’re not usually what we call a high-ticket item in the world of real estate but I knew that going in. A high-ticket item is not this old man’s mission. Drink. My mission is so you don’t get screwed. I want to disrupt the industry. I want to start a revolution not for me but for you because you deserve better. You are being ignored by so many in the industry. Bet, facts, #truthbomb.
Straight up, this is not right. If I can fix even a little of that by attaching you to the people in the industry who are overly qualified to help you but are extremely willing and thrilled to be your expert guide, cool. If that’s what I can do, fine. Call me the disruptor. If you want to be part of the revolution and finally start getting the service you deserve, go to That’s where you can get the seven-day beginning training course, or you can hit Ask David and ask me a question, or you can make the move and ask for your very own unicorn.
Gang, on the reels like for serious. As long as the realtor mafia doesn’t whack me first, I’m going to keep doing this. I’m going to keep educating and empowering you. It’s been exciting to see it working. We’ve had thousands of listeners. Many of them probably just like you and they matched with the unicorn and they bought their first home. I was doing this in a small capacity on my own here in Southern California with my little group of friends and family, and then I realized other people are cool, and they treat first-time home buyers right. Let’s see if I can connect them.
I realized the education part was so empty. It all came together for me and I feel like this little project here is at least giving you a fighting chance in what is a corrupt and greedy industry. A lot of people in Industry hate to hear that but it’s the truth. If you break down the numbers from a business perspective, you see how screwed you guys are getting and we’re growing. You are getting more and more power. More and more people are realizing they have to treat you better. It doesn’t matter. Forget them. They’re outside the unicorn stable. The unicorns are here.
I know I always say you can do this. With a unicorn team, you can not only do this but the thousands of other listeners and I think we got 50 of them on the interviews back there. You can see and hear how this is working. Not only can you do it but with that unicorn team, you can do this in the best ways possible for you and your family. I guess with a unicorn team, you can do this right.
Important Links
- Woman Power: This Single Woman Bought Her First Home – Episode 169
- The Biggest Dirty Little Secret In Real Estate – Episode 5
- How To Interview And Choose A Realtor Specifically For You – Episode 6
This podcast was started for YOU, to demystify things for first time home buyers, and help crush the confusion. After helping first timers for over 13 years, I knew there wasn’t t a lot of clear, tangible, useable information out there on the internet, so I started this podcast. Help me spread the word to other people just like you, dying for answers. Tell your friends, family, and perhaps that random neighbor you REALLY want to move out about How to Buy a Home! A really easy way is to hit the share button and text it to your friends. Go for it, help someone out. And if you’re not already a regular listener, subscribe and get constant updates on the market. If you are a regular and learned something, help me help others – give the show a quick review in Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts, or write a review on Spotify. Let’s change the way the real estate industry treats you first time buyers, one buyer at a time, starting with you – and make sure your favorite people don’t get screwed by going into this HUGE step blind and confused. Viva la Unicorn Revolution!
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