Ep. 182 – Interview: From ZERO Credit Score to Homeowner 

 May 2, 2023


David Sidoni sits down with How-to-Buy-a-Homie Weston from Nashville, TN, to talk about his home-buying experience. Now, Weston was in a unique position – he’s newly married, 30 years old, and had absolutely NO credit score! What?! Listen to his incredible home-buying journey.

Here are some takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Building a good credit score
  • What happens when your credit score tanks
  • Being willing to go with plan “B”
  • Finding the right lender

Episode Highlights:

[01:31] Research, Confidence, and a Good Plan

Despite having no credit score, Weston was determined to buy a home. As a man who thrives on knowledge, he started diving into research to learn the best way to buy a home, eventually coming across David’s podcasts. He put David on 2x speed and devoured as many episodes as he could! The biggest challenge he faced was building a good credit score because he had NO credit. So, a month before he and his wife got married, he opened up a credit card to try and build good credit. But, he left his fear behind and jumped into the process. After connecting with his unicorn team, he was stunned by how attainable buying a home was, despite his unique situation.

Once you find a unicorn realtor, they can lead you to a unicorn lender that will help you through all the hurdles.
Once you find a unicorn realtor, they can lead you to a unicorn lender that will help you through all the hurdles.

[13:08] Buying a Home During “Doomsday”

Everyone thought the world was going to end at the beginning of 2023 because interest rates were so high. But, that’s the exact time that Weston and his wife bought their house! They were lucky enough to be in an ideal scenario when the previous owners were more willing to negotiate. They were also prepared for full renovation projects – which many other people were looking at, too, in their area – but found that many of the prices were rising in their area because of that high demand. So, they needed to switch their gears and look for something a little more move-in ready.

[24:04] The Importance of Finding the Right Lender

When looking for a lender, it was tough for Weston to find one that would communicate well with him. But, getting in touch with a unicorn realtor led him to a lender that communicated like a dream. When it comes to making the biggest decision of your life, making sure your lender is engaged, wants the best for you, and knows their stuff is VITAL to ensure your process goes smoothly.

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