Ep. 178 – Interview with Margaryta – Single lady with a goal to buy her first home by 30 

 April 18, 2023

Ep. 178 – Interview with Margaryta – Single lady with a goal to buy her first home by 30


Margaryta had a goal: she was going to buy her first home before she turned 30. After an unsuccessful experience with an Instagram realtor, she decided to pull out the big guns and work with a UNICORN TEAM. Now, Margaryta is enjoying her first home and we are so excited for her.

Check out her conversation with David Sidoni as they discuss her home-buying takeaways, lessons, and advice.

Here are some takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Research your realtors before working with them
  • Work with your lenders to get better rates
  • Check out your desired neighborhood at all hours of the day
  • Invest in a home warranty or homeowner’s insurance

Episode Highlights:

[3:09] Instagram vs. Reality

After living in a rented home in Washington D.C. for many years, Margaryta decided to work with an Instagram realtor to help her accomplish her goal of buying a home of her own. But, instead of accomplishing her goal, Margaryta backed out of the deal because her realtor showed her that she was just another sale, not a person looking for a great place to live. But, after getting in touch with a unicorn realtor, she got some great advice and found the home she was looking for!

[15:25] Margaryta’s Biggest Takeaways

In her first year of homeownership, Margaryta had to replace her water heater and her HVAC system! Unfortunately, if she had invested in a home warranty to help mitigate some of these costs, especially after the appraiser warned her during the appraisal that those costs would come up soon, she could have been more prepared. So, while a home warranty might seem like a wasted expense, there are moments just like this that make it all worth it. It also shows the importance of having professionals view your home to make sure you know all the ins and outs.

I actually backed out of the deal because I knew [this realtor] saw me as just another transaction.
I actually backed out of the deal because I knew [this realtor] saw me as just another transaction.

[22:11] The Epilogue

While Margaryta’s interview was fantastic, there was so much more helpful and inspiring info that came after the official recording. Margaryta is actually from Ukraine and moved to the U.S. at 19 years old and made the goal for herself that she would buy a home by age 30. Now, with the war in Ukraine, her mother needs a place to stay and she has a home that she can share with her. How incredible!

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