Ep. 168 – Get Off Your Ass 

 March 15, 2023

Ep. 168 – Get Off Your Ass


It’s a tough title with some tough love behind it.
David gets it, prices are high right now. But, that doesn’t mean that you should be sitting around waiting. Instead, the market is only going to get hotter, so DO NOT WAIT. If you’ve been keeping up on the podcast, then you’ve heard David’s interviews with several How-to-Buy-a-Homies and each of them said they wish they had jumped into the home buying process sooner. Take their advice. Take David’s advice. Get off your ass and start! With love, of course.

Here are some topics from today’s discussion:

  • Overcome your fear and just dive into the process
  • Ignore the news – the market is not crashing
  • Many of David’s predictions are starting to come true
  • It’s time for first-time home buyers to jump into action

Episode Highlights:

[05:32] Unaffordability Is the New Normal

Homes in California are starting at $1.5 million and decent condos at $700,000. And these prices aren’t just in California! Markets everywhere are staying sky-high. Despite the crazy unaffordability, buyers are lined up left and right to throw in offers. This means if you’re ready to buy, you need to start getting ready NOW to make a move.

[07:36]  Don’t Listen To the News

The news is always late when it comes to reporting on the housing market, so don’t listen to them. They were also very late on reporting the housing lull at the end of 2022. There is no crash – it was just a lull and now it’s over. Just like that. At the moment, things are turning out almost exactly as predicted in episode 165’s urgent market update. So, it’s time to ACT.

The urgent market update from episode 165 told you what’s going on, now it’s time for ACTION.
The urgent market update from episode 165 told you what’s going on, now it’s time for ACTION.

[13:00] No Time Like Now

All the How-to-Buy-a-Homies David had interviewed so far recognized that they had some fears to overcome, but also wished that they had started the process sooner. They didn’t realize how much they were capable of until they had spoken to an expert team. Don’t let misinformation and myths put up stop signs in your home-buying journey. Just reach out for help and let professionals guide you.

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